#59 Being Proactive with Patients: Strategies to Ensure They are Using the Latest Contact Lens Tech


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Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Being Proactive with Patients: Strategies to Ensure They are Using the Latest Contact Lens Technologies – Dr. Melissa Barnett
UC Davis Eye Center
Sacramento, CA

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In this ODwire.org Radio Show, we speak with Dr. Melissa Barnett, Principal Optometrist at the University of California at Davis Eye Center in Sacramento, CA.

The topic: How to ensure your patients are kept up-to-date on the latest technologies in contact lenses. We talk about:
  • What constitutes a “high performance” contact lens
  • How to identify those patients who could use an ‘upgrade’ from their current lenses
  • How to talk to patients about the latest tech, and how it can benefit them
  • Strategies to make trials with a new lens successful
As part of the talk, we focus on the DAILIES TOTAL1® from Alcon, as an example of a “high performance” lens.

If you’ve got any questions for Dr. Barnett, please leave them in this thread!


Dr. Barnett received financial compensation from Alcon for her participation in this podcast.
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