American Optometric Association Calls for System-Wide Action to Make Eye Health and Vision... NewsBot

Staff member
Jul 30, 2007
Newsbot U

So what is the problem?

"Up to 16 Million Americans Have Uncorrected Vision Impairment"

What is the solution?

There are marked discrepancies in current guidelines for care of people who do not show symptoms of poor eye health, the committee found. HHS should convene one or more panels, with professional organizations and other knowledgeable parties, to develop a single set of evidence-based clinical and rehabilitation practice guidelines and measures to be used by eye-care professionals, other care providers, and public health professionals to prevent, screen for, detect, monitor, diagnose, and treat eye and vision problems, the report says. These guidelines should drive payment policies, including coverage determinations for corrective lenses and visual assistive devices following a diagnosed medical condition.

Do we really want HHS to be in control of eye care?

The population of the U.S. is 319 million. Up to 16 million Americans have uncorrected vision impairment, and the only solution is the "Transformation in Population Health Efforts to Eliminate Correctable and Avoidable Vision Impairments"? Does the whole system really need to be transformed?

What about individual responsibility? If you are worried about your eyes and vision, then get an eye exam! Vision care is readily available and inexpensive. You can get an eye exam at Vision Works for $49. Can't afford an exam? Call the Lion's Club. Take advantage of the "Infant See" program. The Affordable Care Act entitles all children to a "free" eye exam. "Think About Your Eyes" is reaching untold millions of Americans and raising awareness about vision and eye health. Seriously, do we need a "nanny state" solution?

I guess the solution is a single payer health care system that allows all Americans to have a free eye exam every two years.