Apply Today to Become a Best Practice in 2020!


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Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
In this interview, I catch up with Dr. Steve Rosinski and we talk about why every optometrist reading this should consider applying to the 2020 Best Practices program!

Leave any questions for Steve (or me!) in this thread!

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Watch the entire interview to see some of the benefits of participating. I encourage *everyone* here to think about filling out the short application form -- your mode of practice DOESN'T matter. You are judged by your peers -- past winners, and a couple of industry folks, and they'll pick this year's 10 from the group of applications in the winter.

And as a note, you DON'T need to be a big contact lens practice (or even a CooperVision user) to apply; though you must Rx at least some CLs in your office.

I've been following and interviewing the winners for the last 6 months, and the benefits are pretty remarkable. Besides the recognition (and the marketing benefits that winning confers), the 10 winners each year meet for a "summit" where they share their best practice strategies, and keep in contact to help one another. You also get invited to industry events and other networking opportunities.

... And you get a fancy plaque to hang in your office, and possibly part of a giant chocolate cake if you come to expo! What could be better? :)

Apply here, and if you think you know of a practice that would qualify and really should apply, recommend them here.



I also took a quick video of Dr. Rosinski at VEW kicking off the application process for 2020.

Former Best Practice's winner Dr. Quinn also takes a turn at the mic describing the program, and why you should apply. Video ends with Michele Andrews and a giant chocolate cake:

I've gotten a few questions and comments now from people asking me if they should apply -- ie, if their practice is somehow 'too small' to matter.

The answer is NO it isn't -- you should apply! As long as your practice involves fitting CLs, you can enter. And again, the brand doesn't matter, and you don't have to be a 'big' CL practice.

The idea here is for practices to come together and share ideas that are working. So you can see some tips from prior winners here:

* Co-management tips with Drs. Azman and Greiner

* Dr. Casey Hogan on Sjogrens, and Building a Dry Eye Practice

* Dr. Stephen Cohen on balancing "high tech" vs. "high touch"

... and so forth (more of these tips are to come over the next several weeks and months...)

The common thread is that these are all successful practices that have a keen understanding where they excel, and want to share it with other docs!
Watch the entire interview to see some of the benefits of participating. I encourage *everyone* here to think about filling out the short application form -- your mode of practice DOESN'T matter. You are judged by your peers -- past winners, and a couple of industry folks, and they'll pick this year's 10 from the group of applications in the winter.

And as a note, you DON'T need to be a big contact lens practice (or even a CooperVision user) to apply; though you must Rx at least some CLs in your office.

I've been following and interviewing the winners for the last 6 months, and the benefits are pretty remarkable. Besides the recognition (and the marketing benefits that winning confers), the 10 winners each year meet for a "summit" where they share their best practice strategies, and keep in contact to help one another. You also get invited to industry events and other networking opportunities.

... And you get a fancy plaque to hang in your office, and possibly part of a giant chocolate cake if you come to expo! What could be better? :)

Apply here, and if you think you know of a practice that would qualify and really should apply, recommend them here.

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Might just throw caution to the wind, despite my lack of self promoting skills, just for the cake! Serious cake there!
Might just throw caution to the wind, despite my lack of self promoting skills, just for the cake! Serious cake there!

Greg, I would say go for it.

One of the things people have told me is that the process of filling out that small form actually made them think more closely about what they do in their office, and how they do it (... and how it is possibly different from what other people do.)

So even as a thought exercise, it is useful!
AOA's First Look 10/7/19 Picks up the story...

CooperVision Opens Nominations For 2020 Best Practices

Healio (10/4) reported “CooperVision opened nominations” at a conference “for its class of 2020 Best Practices, a program that recognizes optometric practices that advance the profession through innovation, industry leadership and providing a higher level of patient experience.” The article says that “all U.S. optometry practices currently fitting contact lenses are eligible to apply, according to CooperVision.”
Just a reminder again -- you have until November 21st to submit your application to the Best Practices program for 2020.

I know several of you already have submitted, I'd encourage everyone to give it a shot. As you've seen by the interviews we've been doing, the program takes all types of practices, the mode and size aren't important.
I don't want to apply...but I'd love to attend the meeting !
I don't want to apply...but I'd love to attend the meeting !
Not gonna lie -- the meeting was great, it had a real air of positivity that you don't normally see. I'm hoping CooperVision asks me back again this coming year, where i'll do my best to document it.

In the interviews Paul and I are doing with the selected practices, we're trying to coax out some of the top tips that each practice shared at the summit!