Originally posted by Jeffrey J. Kiener, O.D.
When quoting another poster, and trying to insert comments paragraph by paragraph, how do you get the font of the text of your response to differ from the font of the original post? Mine always looks like it blends in, bolded and italicized.
Jeff; It takes a few small tricks: You have to tell the html text editor to stop the quote, and stop the emboldening, then to restart both when adding the rest of the quoted person's words, bit by bit. Here, let me show you the post I did to Len Kauffman [But,
NOTE! -- I have to substitute <> marks here in this example, to keep it from being converted to .html]
Originally posted by leonard kauffman
Merrill - You mean you never learned how to do all that you do in a shorter time??? You must be from the same school as me.
And you haven't asked for food stamps, or handouts here???
Amazing <Big Smile> How'd you do in the stock market this week?</QUOTE>Pretty good. Bought a pig and two chickens -- and the fresh-picked CORN is Great! Sweet bread-and-butter style!
<QUOTE>Did your ever hire that 5th household helper you needed?</QUOTE>Bred her myself 23 years and 9 months ago last Saturday, with a little help from my Friend.
<QUOTE> Did you add the 4th garage for the new mercedes? ONLY KIDDING..ONLY KIDDING..ONLY KIDDING!</QUOTE>No time -- enjoying my screen house too much as I read and write.
[To see how the original post looked, it was on 7/19 in "Another School of Optometry" thread.]
Note that the message appears run-on as it looks above, but the email software converts it to bold-text paragraphs with a line above and below. That keeps it from inserting an extra space/line, which makes the reply physically longer which bugs Matt Judd.

(This email program is different in that it uses brackets to denote .html text, most others recognize the carets that I used above, which I pre-checked out with the preview button next to the "submit reply" button to make sure it was coming out right.
[ ] = starts a html function, [/ ] = ends an html function.
I generally copy the <quote>
to paste in and then add "/" marks to show the "end function" at the end of the quotes.
Here's what it took to get the NOTE! to read as it does: <color=red><size=4><u>NOTE!</color></size></u>.
After you play with it a bit, it's pretty easy and straightforward. And, best of all, if it comes out gallywumpus in the final post, this email software allows you the great privilege of editing it afterwards!