Keratoconus and Keratoectasia – Contemporary Concepts: Disease Description and Diagnosis (44999-AS)


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Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Lecturer: @S. Barry Eiden OD FAAO


Keratoconus diagnosis and its management is complex. Appropriate diagnosis, assessment, and treatment can allow a patient to achieve excellent vision performance and function normally in life.

Inappropriate care can result in poor vision function, chronic discomfort, physiological compromise and perhaps a faster road towards invasive surgical intervention (which may not have been necessary).

This course will review the most contemporary concepts in the diagnosis of keratoconus and other corneal ectasias. We will review methods and technologies that allow for early diagnosis of ectasia. Utilization of both basic diagnostic techniques and advanced diagnostic technologies will provide the opportunity to incorporate an array of treatment options that range from optical to medical to surgical. Today early diagnosis coupled with new treatment strategies can not only optimize vision but can also prevent progression to advanced disease for patient with kertatoectasia. The presenter will share both experience in managing thousands of patients with ectasia as well as outcomes of the most current state of science in this field.

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