UCA studying an optometry school

ODwire.org NewsBot

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Jul 30, 2007
Newsbot U
The University of Central Arkansas will study the possibility of opening a school of optometry . It has hired a consulting firm for a feasibility study. The state currently has no schools of optometry. UCA release: The University of Central Arkansas will begin a feasibility study to assess the possibility of opening a new school of optometry on the campus. Tripp Umbach, a healthcare consulting ...

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here we go again! thanks newsbot!
Must be an under supply in central Arkansas. Or good student loan availability.

I hear there is a shortage in Dr. Elders area.
Thank goodness, I'd really hate for those AR students to have to travel a full 2 hours to get to a school in Memphis.
Thank goodness, I'd really hate for those AR students to have to travel a full 2 hours to get to a school in Memphis.
It is all about convince when recruiting millennials. I hope they have a climbing wall at the fitness center.
I heard that Starbucks was considering putting schools in some stores.
The goal is for any optometry student to be able to walk to school.

Hmmm, I see. I thought you were going to suggest the drive through method, with a latte to go.
Welcome to McDonalds drive thru. Would you like an Optometric education with your fries? Don't forget our HapEYE meal, it comes with 2pair of glasses for $69, and Ronald McDonald's picture on the temple.

Want to meet our best interns and residents? Yeah u can question them, they're working behind the counter, and busing tables. No, there's no surplus and all