Wal-Mart Tells Texas Justices Optometry Penalty Can't Stand - Law360 (subscription)

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Jul 30, 2007
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I was deposed by the optometrists' attorney for this law suit since I had tape recordings and other evidence of WM's strong arm tactics in manipulating ODs.
Hard to believe that could ever happen. :)
Hard to believe that could ever happen. :)

Glad you had the sarcasm covered Craig, I was going to post something similar. The 15 years I've been on POP/ODwire I've heard countless examples of illegal commercial influence and control.
Glad you had the sarcasm covered Craig, I was going to post something similar. The 15 years I've been on POP/ODwire I've heard countless examples of illegal commercial influence and control.
Nah....you must have misunderstood. The commercial ODs here (past and present) say you're a goddamn liar.....as they sign the 30 day out clause:rolleyes:
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Can someone paste in the whole article? I'm trying to get the state board to recognize this type of problem as a "protect the public" issue.