Most Recent D value
The Census Bureau reported US population of 313 million in 2012 when graduation rates had risen to about 1,500. Total number of O.D.s in 2012, per AOA (and projected by Abt.) was 40,000. This yields D = 12.8 in 2012 and 13.4 in 2014.
Importance and Use of D
In recognition of its importance, the AOA, since 1973, has included in its list of “extant resolutions” that “…the profession will reevaluate at regular intervals the changes in health care delivery systems and the population growth to determine workforce projections and the ratio of optometrists to population.
After World War II when enrollments reached over 2,000 from veterans using the GI Bill to attend optometry school, D rapidly rose to a record of 14 but soon declined to 10.
In 1974 the author published a study which concluded graduation rates were too low, enrollments should expand, and additional schools opened, but care would be needed to avoid a 1952 “bubble’.
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