CEwire2024 Open Thread


Site Administrator & Tech Lead
Staff member
Feb 24, 2001
University of Michigan Medical School
Lake Oswego
Hi everyone! CEwire2024 registration is going to open this week - a little later than in past years, but we've been working a bunch behind the scenes to make this the biggest event yet.

As usual, we're going to have Early Bird pricing and our Starbucks giveaway :)

If you have any questions about CEwire2024, feel free to ask in this thread. I'll keep it updated with news as we roll out registration.

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People have been asking me about the courses this year --

* Right now we've applied for 67 hours (!) of synchronous and asynchronous, we went a little overboard b/c we're always worried that ARBO will reject some of our classes. But ... so far, so good!

* We're also trying to hold the line on price as best we can, inflation be damned.

Though something folks might not be aware of is that on the education side, costs have risen;
-- ARBO increased approval costs by 15%, the university test certification cost went up by about 50% (there were no increases there for a decade, so I get it... ), tech costs have gone up, etc, etc.. you know the drill.

But again, we're trying to hold the line as best we can, with the idea that if we can get a good turnout, we can make up the difference. The whole point of CEwire was to try to provide education at a low price, without having to rely on industry to dictate the program, giving people the show they wanted to see, not what someone else wanted. This model flies in the face of all other CE in eye care.

Fingers crossed ...

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Looks like we're on target to open registration up on Friday morning, just putting the finishing touches on the site.

We've got a couple more surprises in store for 2024, should be interesting to see what people think!

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1). We will have the 8 credits in some form of DEA certification and Narcotics CE
2). A huge Glaucoma track that should satisfy any state requirement
3). At least 10+ credits of orals to satisfy state board requirements
4). A human trafficking lecture to satisfy those who need them
5). A Huge treatment group for those who need that
6). a lecture from THE expert on diversity

and more surprises to come for more credits for you dollar
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Web site is up and running, if you want to take an early look --


We landed on 75 credits (!), and enough glaucoma to choke a horse (and/or meet California's entire glaucoma requirement!). The DEA stuff was another late addition.

Marketing will begin on Friday!

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Registered! Looking forward to the best CE once again!
excellent! Registrations are starting to come in.

We'll be sending out an eblast about it within the next couple of hours too for those early birds that want to take advantage of the massive Starbucks deal that we're running for all the obsessives who register early :)

This should be a fun show, I feel like I may have bitten off more than I can chew at 75 credits -- the amount of paperwork that has been flying between me and ARBO has been truly breathtaking. Thank goodness we don't use physical paper any more ...
excellent! Registrations are starting to come in.

We'll be sending out an eblast about it within the next couple of hours too for those early birds that want to take advantage of the massive Starbucks deal that we're running for all the obsessives who register early :)

This should be a fun show, I feel like I may have bitten off more than I can chew at 75 credits -- the amount of paperwork that has been flying between me and ARBO has been truly breathtaking. Thank goodness we don't use physical paper any more ...
Yes, but we keep ARBO in business. I hear they are going to Vegas for Xmas on our dime
Yes, but we keep ARBO in business. I hear they are going to Vegas for Xmas on our dime
Amazing how we have managed to come in under $3 a credit hour in the era of inflation.
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Not just inexpensive, they're just top shelf in terms of presentation. Even the "who's THAT guy" speakers do an excellent job on par with any big national speaker.
Dr Steve Silberberg has done an incredible job auditioning and getting some younger speakers to have national and indeed international exposure onCEwire2024.

I believe participants will be impressed with their teaching abilities.
Dr Steve Silberberg has done an incredible job auditioning and getting some younger speakers to have national and indeed international exposure onCEwire2024.

I believe participants will be impressed with their teaching abilities.
Hey, whatever happened to ODWire radio? I think that was a great adjunct to the lectures.
Dr Steve Silberberg has done an incredible job auditioning and getting some younger speakers to have national and indeed international exposure onCEwire2024.

I believe participants will be impressed with their teaching abilities.
And there is more!

I asked Siri to find CEwire2024 for me on my I phone. Instantly she found the website and asked me to "check it out".

Search engines really work fast.
Hey, whatever happened to ODWire radio? I think that was a great adjunct to the lectures.
Adam decided to place the Webinars he produces monthly, for greater audience participation.

Any optometric personality you would like to have for a podcast?
Hey, whatever happened to ODWire radio? I think that was a great adjunct to the lectures.
We even added some cool courses in DEI (Diversity) by THE EXPERT from SUNY. There is so much new and diverse content I can't wait to see the lectures in full mode!
Hey, whatever happened to ODWire radio? I think that was a great adjunct to the lectures.
I've got all the radio shows archived, most up here on ODwire (go to the TV/Radio link)

we stopped doing the radio stuff around the time CEwire started, since we ran short of time. Paul is 2,000 miles from me now, but ther's nothing stopping us from doing it again, if we feel people would be interested!
Well, registration for the 2024 event is underway, by now we've communicated with just about everyone who has taken a prior CEwire event letting them know about the "early bird special".

I'm not privy to what each state is doing around CE requirements this year, but my assumption based on the velocity of signups is that many are still allowing a large number of credits to be taken online.

Hope everyone enjoys the event this year; I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew I think with 75 credits, but we'll see how it goes :)

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Well, registration for the 2024 event is underway, by now we've communicated with just about everyone who has taken a prior CEwire event letting them know about the "early bird special".

I'm not privy to what each state is doing around CE requirements this year, but my assumption based on the velocity of signups is that many are still allowing a large number of credits to be taken online.

Hope everyone enjoys the event this year; I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew I think with 75 credits, but we'll see how it goes :)

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Texas was fine with everything I got last year.

The only hiccup are the stupid annual professional responsibility, human trafficking and opioid classes that are “Texas board approved”
Texas was fine with everything I got last year.

The only hiccup are the stupid annual professional responsibility, human trafficking and opioid classes that are “Texas board approved”
I'm not sure how to get TX board approval for those -- we do offer human trafficking and a ton of opioid classes this year. I wonder if there's some sort of standard we need to meet? Or a filing fee of some kind?
I'm not sure how to get TX board approval for those -- we do offer human trafficking and a ton of opioid classes this year. I wonder if there's some sort of standard we need to meet? Or a filing fee of some kind?
Probably more of a “these guys are friends of the people in charge” thing.
I've got all the radio shows archived, most up here on ODwire (go to the TV/Radio link)

we stopped doing the radio stuff around the time CEwire started, since we ran short of time. Paul is 2,000 miles from me now, but ther's nothing stopping us from doing it again, if we feel people would be interes
I looked and you had this fellow from Oklahoma a year ago.

Dr Nathan Lighthizer.​

Think he might be a good one to do podcast on....
Excited to be a presenter and get to share my passion around Myopia Management and how we have brought it to private practice to help benefit our patients and our practices. See you all in 2024! Check out my presentation which is called Myopia Management: The Next Generation.

We will be discussing the different treatments but most importantly how to put these treatments into practice. This presentation is fun because I bring the mistakes I have made in our clinic in starting a myopia management practice so you don't have to make them and start off on the right foot. Hope to see you there!
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I've put together another fun and practical hour in response to everyone's comments about the last 2 hour killer...looking forward to your questions and comments!

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Hi everyone! CEwire2024 registration is going to open this week - a little later than in past years, but we've been working a bunch behind the scenes to make this the biggest event yet.

As usual, we're going to have Early Bird pricing and our Starbucks giveaway :)

If you have any questions about CEwire2024, feel free to ask in this thread. I'll keep it updated with news as we roll out registration.

Hi Adam,
When are the 8 hours on drugs required for DEA renewal being offered? I need to apply for my license ASAP.
Hi Adam,
When are the 8 hours on drugs required for DEA renewal being offered? I need to apply for my license ASAP.
Hi Jade, we've put together the initial schedule for February here:


you'll notice we created a track for the DEA courses starting on a sunday morning, so you can take them back-to-back-to-back

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Hi Jade, we've put together the initial schedule for February here:


you'll notice we created a track for the DEA courses starting on a sunday morning, so you can take them back-to-back-to-back

Additionally, if you don't need them ASAP take what you can in February and the rest in April at the next live show. It is unclear if the DEA requires synchronous credits or can be Asynchronous. If the latter is the case you can take at your leisure any remaining needs.

This site suggests Asynchronous is fine https://www.aafp.org/pubs/fpm/blogs/inpractice/entry/new-dea-requirement.html
WHAT: The new DEA training requirements call for a total of eight hours of CME on the prevention and treatment of opioid use disorder and other substance use disorders. The training does not have to be completed all at once and doesn’t have to be entirely focused on opioid use disorders. It does have to include training on all Food and Drug Administration-approved medications for treating substance use disorders (approved medications are currently available for alcohol, nicotine, and opioid use disorders).

WHERE: Free, online, asynchronous training is available from the federally funded Providers Clinical Support System. The AAFP offers training that fulfills the requirement and is free to members. The American Medical Association also provides training resources, though not all are free.
Additionally, if you don't need them ASAP take what you can in February and the rest in April at the next live show. It is unclear if the DEA requires synchronous credits or can be Asynchronous. If the latter is the case you can take at your leisure any remaining needs.

This site suggests Asynchronous is fine https://www.aafp.org/pubs/fpm/blogs/inpractice/entry/new-dea-requirement.html
WHAT: The new DEA training requirements call for a total of eight hours of CME on the prevention and treatment of opioid use disorder and other substance use disorders. The training does not have to be completed all at once and doesn’t have to be entirely focused on opioid use disorders. It does have to include training on all Food and Drug Administration-approved medications for treating substance use disorders (approved medications are currently available for alcohol, nicotine, and opioid use disorders).

WHERE: Free, online, asynchronous training is available from the federally funded Providers Clinical Support System. The AAFP offers training that fulfills the requirement and is free to members. The American Medical Association also provides training resources, though not all are free.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your help!
Looks like a very good program but why (except for Feb) only live during the nice weather months? Might get more participation in Nov, Jan, March?
Warm weekends find many of us on the golf course, the tennis course etc.
Looks like a very good program but why (except for Feb) only live during the nice weather months? Might get more participation in Nov, Jan, March?
Warm weekends find many of us on the golf course, the tennis course etc.
This year for many reasons the schedule is locked. We think about it a lot in the choices
1). We have the inaugural event the week between the NFC/AFC Championship games and the Superbowl so as not to compete with football fans
2). We don't schedule on the summer months of July and August because speakers and attendees may be on vacation etc.
3). We avoid holiday weekends such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Xmas. the Jewish holy days etc.
4). By October we are well on our way to preparing for the next year so that is a hard month to have the last event as is November
5). WE try to not conflict with the big meetings such as VEE, VEW, AOA, Academy, SECO, and any other big events that may be on the calendar

Having said all of that perhaps an early April and some other dates may be considered next year. Thanks for asking
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I may have missed them if there are there but are there any credits that satisfy this specific Indiana requirement?

2 hours in: Medical charting, billing and coding, healthcare compliance, or compliance with federal or Indiana state laws or regulations.

I may have missed them if there are there but are there any credits that satisfy this specific Indiana requirement?

2 hours in: Medical charting, billing and coding, healthcare compliance, or compliance with federal or Indiana state laws or regulations.

Perhaps this one would qualify
Thomas R. Cheezum, OD, CPC, COPC

This course will provide information about documentation and coding for services provided to glaucoma patients. CPT and ICD-10 coding and patient co-management will be reviewed as well as how Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) may affect patient care, documentation and coding. Case examples will be provided.
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Newbie questions:
1. The registration fee covers all CE, with no additional charges?
2. What is the advantage of the live scheduled event c/t on demand?
Newbie questions:
1. The registration fee covers all CE, with no additional charges?
2. What is the advantage of the live scheduled event c/t on demand?
1). Yes

2). The differences are what your license requirements are regarding live hours vs “online” (synchronous vs asynchronous) and whether or not you want to take a quiz at the end of the lecture.
RE #1: For someone who has attended only live, in-person CE for the last 40 years, that price is true bargain.
So, outside of CE, do any here attend or watch on-demand for purely education's sake? Maybe attend Live CE whether you need hours or not?
RE #1: For someone who has attended only live, in-person CE for the last 40 years, that price is true bargain.
So, outside of CE, do any here attend or watch on-demand for purely education's sake? Maybe attend Live CE whether you need hours or not?
I watched 15ish hours....I only need 2 for my renewal in December and neither of those were on here, so yes.
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Hi everyone! CEwire2024 registration is going to open this week - a little later than in past years, but we've been working a bunch behind the scenes to make this the biggest event yet.

As usual, we're going to have Early Bird pricing and our Starbucks giveaway :)

If you have any questions about CEwire2024, feel free to ask in this thread. I'll keep it updated with news as we roll out registration.

I am having trouble getting the log in needed for the ce viewing.
Any ideas on how to help.
Tracy Buege
I am having trouble getting the log in needed for the ce viewing.
Any ideas on how to help.
Tracy Buege
Hi Tracy, you're successfully logged into ODwire, so the next step:

1) go to https://www.cewire2024.com

2) click on "login" in the upper-right (it may ask you to 'authorize' your account - if so do it by pressing the button!)

3) you should then be into the lectures. Click on the "On Demand Videos" button on the left-menu to get to the courses

4) Choose what you want to watch by clicking on its icon. Remember for On Demand credit, you need to watch the entire lecture, and complete a quiz with a passing score of 70%. If you do those two things, the course will be added to your transcript within 10 minutes.
