The Challenge for on line C/E providers

Paul Farkas

Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
The high quality courses combined with an exam at the end of the presentation guarantees attendance and comprehension of the material.

What else must be done to convince recalcitrant state boards to ease up and allow more credits allowing some financially hard pressed ODs, the alternative of inexpensive convenient quality C/E?

How the Florida State board justifies not allowing any on line C/E credit is a mystery. We hope now that Florida State Board members see what can be accomplished on line with presentations ON Demand. Board members will ease up and allow at least some C/E online with an exam for state board credit.

Hard working Florida ODs in the trenches deserve a break!
I don't think the exam automatically guarantees comprehension and/or retention. I've known many docs who "share" the answers to online exams. I myself admit to having sometimes just gone right to the test, read the questions and gone back to scan the article for the little nuggets.

I do agree though that boards should allow online CE. In Nevada, you can do it ALL online. In CT, you can do 6 out of the yearly 20 online. Frequently the issue is state boards who reap money from putting on the CE programs.
I do agree though that boards should allow online CE. In Nevada, you can do it ALL online. In CT, you can do 6 out of the yearly 20 online. Frequently the issue is state boards who reap money from putting on the CE programs.

I think it is the State Associations who depend on attendees offering C/E plus exhibitors that generate needed income to keep their lights on.
I don't think the exam automatically guarantees comprehension and/or retention. I've known many docs who "share" the answers to online exams. I myself admit to having sometimes just gone right to the test, read the questions and gone back to scan the article for the little nuggets.

I do agree though that boards should allow online CE. In Nevada, you can do it ALL online. In CT, you can do 6 out of the yearly 20 online. Frequently the issue is state boards who reap money from putting on the CE programs.
When I went to Indiana U site 2 years ago I indeed went right to a test. is different. You must have the lecture play 50 minutes or you cannot take the test. It is true you can just let it play and not pay attention but it at least is another hoop to jump through. CE in general is a joke when you go to lecture play with your phone or read the paper with no requirement other than pay a ridiculous fee. At least cewire2015 has some accountability
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I think I should get "credit" for the stuff I learn on ODWire from colleagues! If learning is what is required to renew you license, then how come docs who sleep through in-person, not tested CE get credit and those of us who actually learn something that results in better patient care don't?

What a scam!
If you can pass the test without taking the course what does that mean? Should you get credit for -any- class where you got no education because you already knew the material?
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Craig: Consider it like "Placing Out" of a course..

When I went to Optometry school I was already a trained Physicist. They had a course in physical optics which was very basic to me. I asked to get credit without taking the course. After meeting with the professor and him giving asking me some simple stuff I got credit without taking the course and he even gave me an A.

Sometimes you simply can pass or prove competence...................In the olden days of law I am told by my daughter you could take the bar exam withotu even going to Law School as an example that you may relate fact in Ca, you can now:
The high quality courses combined with an exam at the end of the presentation guarantees attendance and comprehension of the material.

What else must be done to convince recalcitrant state boards to ease up and allow more credits allowing some financially hard pressed ODs, the alternative of inexpensive convenient quality C/E?

How the Florida State board justifies not allowing any on line C/E credit is a mystery. We hope now that Florida State Board members see what can be accomplished on line with presentations ON Demand. Board members will ease up and allow at least some C/E online with an exam for state board credit.

Hard working Florida ODs in the trenches deserve a break!
It would save me airfare to & from Florida and hotel expenses.
I think it is the State Associations who depend on attendees offering C/E plus exhibitors that generate needed income to keep their lights on.
Yes. I should have said association, not board.
Craig: Consider it like "Placing Out" of a course..When I went to Optometry school I was already a trained Physicist. They had a course in physical optics which was very basic to me. I asked to get credit without taking the course. After meeting with the professor and him giving asking me some simple stuff I got credit without taking the course and he even gave me an A. Sometimes you simply can pass or prove competence...................In the olden days of law I am told by my daughter you could take the bar exam withotu even going to Law School as an example that you may relate fact in Ca, you can now:
I get that. But here's the problem. Even those of us that have huge gaps in knowledge still know a lot. We could "pass out" of all our ce hours.
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I think I should get "credit" for the stuff I learn on ODWire from colleagues! If learning is what is required to renew you license, then how come docs who sleep through in-person, not tested CE get credit and those of us who actually learn something that results in better patient care don't?

What a scam!

In fact, in medicine you CAN do just that -- it is called self-directed study (@Michael W Ohlson knows what i'm talking about), and you can get CME credit for internet research that you do. There are platforms online that will collect the necessary info for you -- how long and what you browsed, etc, and put it in a format that you can present to a state board.

It would be the simplest thing in the world for us on ODwire to document for you exactly what you read & give you a 'plaque' or whatever in your account. But again, no one will accept it so...
When I went to Indiana U site 2 years ago I indeed went right to a test. is different. You must have the lecture play 50 minutes or you cannot take the test. It is true you can just let it play and not pay attention but it at least is another hoop to jump through. CE in general is a joke when you go to lecture play with your phone or read the paper with no requirement other than pay a ridiculous fee. At least cewire2015 has some accountability

Two years ago? I did that two days ago on a Pacific University online course on ethics. Seriously.