Reward for CEwire2018 Motivated Participants

Paul Farkas

Dec 28, 2000
Columbia University / PCO
Lake Oswego
The motivated ODs, who complete all 50 course hours and pass the quiz by 5/1/18, will be recognized.

1.Name and practice location will be posted on this forum

2. The top 10 randomly selected will receive a one year Supporting Membership

3. The top 5 randomly selected will receive credit for CEwire2019 at no charge

4. The one top prizewinner randomly selected will be rewarded with a top of the line iPad

There is 6 weeks left before courses close. More than enough time to take all 50 hours which is a reward on its own. CEwire2018 awards adds a bit of spice.
The motivated ODs, who complete all 50 course hours and pass the quiz by 5/1/18, will be recognized.

1.Name and practice location will be posted on this forum

2. The top 10 randomly selected will receive a one year Supporting Membership

3. The top 5 randomly selected will receive credit for CEwire2019 at no charge

4. The one top prizewinner randomly selected will be rewarded with a top of the line iPad

There is 6 weeks left before courses close. More than enough time to take all 50 hours which is a reward on its own. CEwire2018 awards adds a bit of spice.

Anyone complete their 50 hours to be eligible for some CEwire2018 Rewards? let's ear from you. There is almost 4 weeks left to take all 50 hours of courses and pass the 10 question quiz per hour for C/E state board credits.

The advantage of the CEwire2018 courses "On Demand" is that if you fail the quiz you can review the course and retake the exam until you achieve 70% or better.

To make CEwire2019 even more valuable, your comments about the 2018 courses and instructors are appreciated. Our challenge is to convince many state boards, which limit the number of COPE approved on line cours credits, that participants learn as well or better than the forced attendance in a bricks and mortar class.

For those of you who have taken on the CEwire courses...what is your opinion as to which is a better learning experience... on line over an extended period, or a one time class with no quiz needed.
Anyone complete their 50 hours to be eligible for some CEwire2018 Rewards? let's ear from you. There is almost 4 weeks left to take all 50 hours of courses and pass the 10 question quiz per hour for C/E state board credits.

The advantage of the CEwire2018 courses "On Demand" is that if you fail the quiz you can review the course and retake the exam until you achieve 70% or better.

To make CEwire2019 even more valuable, your comments about the 2018 courses and instructors are appreciated. Our challenge is to convince many state boards, which limit the number of COPE approved on line cours credits, that participants learn as well or better than the forced attendance in a bricks and mortar class.

For those of you who have taken on the CEwire courses...what is your opinion as to which is a better learning experience... on line over an extended period, or a one time class with no quiz needed.
In addition to Paul's great summary, you can immediately retake the test which is 10 questions per credit hour without reviewing the course. It is a 4 choice multiple choice that I audit for fairness and content.Please always comment if you feel a test question was not covered and we will contact the speaker ASAP
In addition to Paul's great summary, you can immediately retake the test which is 10 questions per credit hour without reviewing the course. It is a 4 choice multiple choice that I audit for fairness and content.Please always comment if you feel a test question was not covered and we will contact the speaker ASAP
Glad you mentioned that. Although I pass, sometimes I miss one or two answers that I KNOW I answered correctly (or the check box didn't take) but could not find a way to review my responses.

Last year, one could see which were two credit/20 question and one credit/ten question courses. Could not find that this go around.
Glad you mentioned that. Although I pass, sometimes I miss one or two answers that I KNOW I answered correctly (or the check box didn't take) but could not find a way to review my responses.

Last year, one could see which were two credit/20 question and one credit/ten question courses. Could not find that this go around.
Larry several attendees have asked us to isolate the ones they got wrong (like paragon does for it's CRT test). COPE would flip out on that. Others have asked for the answer key after passing when the conference is going on!!! No way can we do that also. If someone wants to know what they got wrong after passing at say 90% I can give them the answer key well after the conference for independent study.
I received word from Chris Phillips our CEwire2018 administrator that so far 10 ODs have reached the 50 credit mark with many on the verge.

There are still 20 days left to complete all the courses and pass the quiz.

Thanks to all for your participation.
With one week to go before we turn out the lights on CEwire2018...

I asked Chris phillips our CEwire2018 administrator for count on how many have completed all 50 credits to be eligible for the drawing.

His response...

"Attached is an up to date for you. 41 have hit the number and quite a few are close."
The lights have been turned out on CEwire2018.

The final count passing 50 hours157.

Names eligible for the drawing will be listed..
157 people took all 50 hours? Wow, that's impressive!

For those of you who did that, what was your motivation?
157 people took all 50 hours? Wow, that's impressive!

For those of you who did that, what was your motivation?

I hope you receive responses.

When you see the list of where the 157 people practice, that is truly worth a story.

Hopefully that list will be generated in the next day or so.
When you see the list of where the 157 people practice, that is truly worth a story.

The names and exact address will be posted shortly but here are amazing statistics...

Canadians represented 35.5% of the registrants.

Latvians represented 1.5% of the registrants.

Of the 157 who made the effort to take all 50 hours and pass the quiz:

Canada - 129

USA -14

Latvia -12

United Emerits- 1

New Zealand - 1
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Canada for the win!
The obvious reason is Canada allows all credits to be online. Wouldn't all of you like that just like CME credits are allowed online in toto.
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The obvious reason is Canada allows all credits to be online. Wouldn't all of you like that just like CME credits are allowed online in toto.

I assume many of our readers are on Optometric State Boards or are friendly with a state board member.

The State Boards responsibility is to protect the interest of their state's consumers. Allowing additional on line CE credits,using COPE approved courses requiring an exam to assure comprehension is the best was to foster more optometric education at moderate cost. I think Canadian Optometry understands this.

The large number of Canadians who took all 50 hours and passed the quiz in relation to USA ODs speaks for itself. They are motivated to optimize their post graduate education.

It is hoped that state boards will be additional on line C/E hours allowed in 2019. For State boards that elect not to come into the 21st century, visit and explain their thinking. The ODs in those states deserve that.

Are you listening Florida Board of Optometry?
The names of participants in CEwire2018 took 50 credits and passed the quiz:

Byron Advent

Lisa Anidjar

Rebecca Anidjar

Farah Ansari

Darren Antoniuk

Rose Marie Badame

Eric Bailey

Julia Battis

Nestor Bayona

Monica Bell

Alf Bhanji

Amardeep Bhogal

Westley Bond

Nathan Brady

Tammy Brauner

David Brauner

Tracy Brody

Eva Buker

Claudia CAlogero

Greg Carr

Lisa Chan

Peter Chan

Cari Lap Wah Chan

Sandip Cheema

Desmond Cheng

Agatha Cheung

Somatra Chheong

Stephan Code

Lau Daphne

George De Rubeis

Raman Dhaliwal

Ngnoc Cao khanh Jonathan Dinh

Dace Drupa

Brad Elgie

Patrick Eng

Jessica Eng

Emad Eskander

Carol Fan

Lola Fapojuwo

Brian Flatt

Sonja Frank

Maggie Fung

Johan Gall

Sonja Marie Gascoyne

Gurman Gill

Nisha Gupta

Wafaa Habib

Mora Hanna

Miranda Ho

Sandra Ho

Steven Hoang

Jeffrey Holtz

Christina Hong

Melanie Hoo-Fatt

Rachel Hurst

Abbas Hussain

Imran Hussain

Anisa Jeewa

Erin Jones

Samar Kafeel

Anudeep Kajla

Zane KauA3/4ena

Madara Kaupe

Mark Kidman

Aleksey Kotelnikov

Abinaya Krishnamoothy

Gunta Kuprisa

Natalija Kvetkovska

Muradali Ladha

Karen Lam

Hastin Lam

Anita Lau

Jessica Lawrence

Duc Le

Yoonji Lee

Domingos Leung

Christine Li

Tiffany Lim

Christine Liu

Lorlei Locker

Anthony Lopez

Lida Lower

Zanete Lulie

Eric Lunski

Austin Ly

Lauren Mah

Kristen Mansi

Sandy Manso

Beata Marcinkevica

Linda Mcliveen

Jay Mithani

Christy Mushtaler

Roshni Naik

Wendy Ng

Natalie Nguyen

Darrene Nguyen

Thai- Binh Ngyuen

Jessica Nhan

Megan Noseworthy

Erin O'Conner

Vanessa Parasram

Salima Printer

Mahwash Rajput

Khaldoun Ramahi

Ami Reid

Agnese Reinvalde

Sohia Rayes

Richard Roberti

Marco Roncone

Menka Rughani

Mary Saad

Suzan Sarkies

Paul Savoli

Zinta Sermuksne

Fred Sirotkin

Kristine Strelniece

Ernest Tang

Vu Tran

Trent Ujimoto

Joe Valente

Christina Vescoe

Tracy Vo

Jennifer Wan

Anny Wang

Cynthia Warren

Jana Woolsey

Lorina Yip

Joanna Yu

Anna Zagvozdina

Late Enteries

Archana Abhayambica

Manu bancal

Charlene Burnett

Richard Clompus

Amrik Dhaliwal

Theresa Frith

Xiao Jing Fu

Lani Hirota-wilson

Riad Ismaiel

Unsun Sarah hang

Alisa Khan

Jessica Kwok

Monica lee

Sophia Leung

Glen Linsley

Ehab Mesiha

Jelena Pekele

Kristyne Pozzer

Quang Minh V quach

Rajbir Sekhon

Michelle Steenbakkers

Maria Steinleitner

Michelle Tai

Arunjot Takhar


Patrick Wu

Melissa Wai Nee Yuen

Congratulations for a job well done. Prize will beawarded and announced shortly.
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By Country:

Canada- 129

USA - 14

Latvia- 10

New Zealand -1

United Arab Emeriits-1
This demonstrates the value perceived by Canada for on line credits. They can get all while Florida OD's can get ZERO. CME credits can satisfy MDs needs all online but again Optometry is decades behind. Many took all the credits even though it wasn't needed for licensing reason. I commend them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Reactions: Ed Makler
Congrats to everyone who took all the credits, i'll be honest -- i was surprised by how many took all of them!
The ostensible reason that we offer 50 is to give people choice, so they can watch what they want and leave the rest.

Taking all 50 is a herculean feat, so well done to some very well-rounded folks....

Congrats to everyone who took all the credits, i'll be honest -- i was surprised by how many took all of them!
The ostensible reason that we offer 50 is to give people choice, so they can watch what they want and leave the rest.

Taking all 50 is a herculean feat, so well done to some very well-rounded folks....

I wonder what the stats are on those who did over 25 hrs? etc.

I actually feel that I get more out of the on-line CE than the old style classroom CE.
I wonder what the stats are on those who did over 25 hrs? etc.

I actually feel that I get more out of the on-line CE than the old style classroom CE.
We'll dig through more of the numbers and see.

I am thrilled by the response overall though -- the show is providing a lot of value to folks, and that was the goal.

Biggest challenge for the next one will be to keep on top of what people want to see (suggestions are always welcome!)
Ok, I just did the drawing using to draw sequences of random numbers, applied against the spreadsheet of 157 people who completed all the courses (I still cannot believe so many people did all of them! congrats to everyone!)

Here's how the prizes shook out:

Free Supporting Membership 1-year:
Amardeep Bhogal
Greg Carr
Lola Fapojuwo
Wafaa Habib
Mora Hanna
Erin Jones
Jessica Lawrence
suzan sarkies
Ernest Tang
Jana Woolsey

Free Entry to CEwire2019:
Lisa Anidjar
Darren Antoniuk
Eric Bailey
Jessica Kwok
Patrick Wu

Grand Prize winner (an iPad)
Christy Mushtaler

We'll be contacting the winners next week. Congrats again!

We're already starting to plan for next year, so if you have any topics you'd like to see, fire away!

Ok, I just did the drawing using to draw sequences of random numbers, applied against the spreadsheet of 157 people who completed all the courses (I still cannot believe so many people did all of them! congrats to everyone!)

Here's how the prizes shook out:

Free Supporting Membership 1-year:
Amardeep Bhogal
Greg Carr
Lola Fapojuwo
Wafaa Habib
Mora Hanna
Erin Jones
Jessica Lawrence
suzan sarkies
Ernest Tang
Jana Woolsey

Free Entry to CEwire2019:
Lisa Anidjar
Darren Antoniuk
Eric Bailey
Jessica Kwok
Patrick Wu

Grand Prize winner (an iPad)
Christy Mushtaler

We'll be contacting the winners next week. Congrats again!

We're already starting to plan for next year, so if you have any topics you'd like to see, fire away!



There is a thread about MRIs

Most of us, including me, have no idea what to order. The private MRI clinics are constantly contacting our office looking for business

Perhaps, you could,include an hour lecture on when to order a MRI and what type of scan we should order

There is a thread about MRIs

Most of us, including me, have no idea what to order. The private MRI clinics are constantly contacting our office looking for business

Perhaps, you could,include an hour lecture on when to order a MRI and what type of scan we should order
Great idea -- we'll just need to find an expert on the topic, if you have any suggestions, fire away.

We're happy to jump through the hoops getting the materials COPE approved etc...
Great idea -- we'll just need to find an expert on the topic, if you have any suggestions, fire away.

We're happy to jump through the hoops getting the materials COPE approved etc...
I will find a neuro ophthalmologist to be part of the program to help here as well as other imaging techniques. I have two I know nationally famous. Dr Fred Lepore of Robert Wood Johnson would be my first choice and I will contact him. Congrats to all the winners.