CEwire2023 Open Thread & FAQ

Yes it does. In fact you can get all credits for California on CEwire this year. Yeah

I had one last question. I want to watch CEwire 2023 on demand now but live credits are more important for renewing my license next year. I wanted to be sure if I watch classes but do not take the quiz that I will not receive credit for the classes now . That way I can receive “synch. credit when CEwire runs the weekend lectures later in the year.

I had one last question. I want to watch CEwire 2023 on demand now but live credits are more important for renewing my license next year. I wanted to be sure if I watch classes but do not take the quiz that I will not receive credit for the classes now . That way I can receive “synch. credit when CEwire runs the weekend lectures later in the year.
A bit confusing question. If you watch "On-Demand" the software records that you at watching "On-demand" Just because you don't take a quiz will not switch that to live. LIVE or "synchronous" means the speaker is there in real time to chat with and ask questions which obviously does not occur asynchronously.

You have 6 days throughout the year to watch the events synchronously and that is the only way to obtain that mode of CE defined by ARBO. Just not taking a quiz does not fly

I had one last question. I want to watch CEwire 2023 on demand now but live credits are more important for renewing my license next year. I wanted to be sure if I watch classes but do not take the quiz that I will not receive credit for the classes now . That way I can receive “synch. credit when CEwire runs the weekend lectures later in the year.
Lester please understand that CEwire2023 supports making taking on line C/E interesting ,informative and inexpensive.

However, we work in cooperation with ARBO /COPE to allow crediting the system simple and seamless but make certain there are no shortcuts. Each course is monitored for a full 50 minute hour taken, a course evaluation submitted and a quiz for the Asynchronous (On Demand courses).

If your course year runs 2023/ 2024 you can take CEwire2023 until 12/1/23 and receive credit for 2024.

For this reason check with state boards periodically to determine if the requirements changed and hopefully allows more on line for 2024.
I did the same on Friday evening.

TN is back to pre-covid rules for licenses that expire in 2023. online CE is capped at 15, and as you said, you cannot circumvent the in-person requirements

actually kinda sucks, but is what it is. a couple emails stated they were planning on revisiting the topic but either that never
happened or they decided to return all to prior rules
Hey Matt, TN State Board of Opt contracts w/ ARBO for CE audits, so if ARBO doesn't call it live then it's not live, just like you said. They are currently going through the process of amending the TN Board of Opt rules to align with the new ARBO classifications. The expectation is that there will be more virtual hours allowed in the new rules. However it may take 12 month or more for these rule changes to go into effect. (I think the number of virtual hours allowed is going up to like 25 out of 40, maybe more, but don't quote me on that number). Thanks for asking these questions about CE Wire. That's why I'm here too.
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Is the ARBO certificate the only proof we’ll get that we took these courses? Or does CEwire also provide one?
If you go to the link on the top of this page Cewire2023. Then click on the tab "Certificates" Than click on CEwire2023 for this years. Previous years are there also for your benefit. Yyou'll find your transcript in detail Here is what mine looks like as an example:
If you go to the link on the top of this page Cewire2023. Then click on the tab "Certificates" Than click on CEwire2023 for this years. Previous years are there also for your benefit. Yyou'll find your transcript in detail Here is what mine looks like as an example:
View attachment 37778
Thank you
What is the current status in Illinois for CEwire learning?

Thank you.
None of the tabs like the one that takes you to CEwire show up on an iPad unless it’s in landscape. Took me a while to figure that out.

60 COPE-Approved Credits Online
Synchronous & Asynchronous

Live Online:

February 25 & 26 [download schedule]
April 29 & 30
June 3 & 4
September 9 & 10

... and ON DEMAND through December 1, 2023

Pay ONE PRICE to access:
  • ALL four live events
  • Interactive Lectures & Real-Time Chat Text with Speakers
  • The Private CEwire2023 Discussion Forum, where attendees can securely interact with speakers and other conference goers before, during and after the live events and discuss each talk
  • Exclusive Vendor Discounts
Does anyone know if Minnesota and Arizona consider the CEwire 2023 Synchronous virtual classes as live class credit? Also, is it correct that Arizona requires 3 opioid related CE hours every 2 years if we hold a DEA license? I wish it were more clear on the ARBO website! Thank you!!
Does anyone know if Minnesota and Arizona consider the CEwire 2023 Synchronous virtual classes as live class credit? Also, is it correct that Arizona requires 3 opioid related CE hours every 2 years if we hold a DEA license? I wish it were more clear on the ARBO website! Thank you!

From Arizona State Board website site: The Board accepts all COPE approved courses as well as courses from a local, regional or national optometric association without further Board approval.

From Minn State Board website:

CE Opportunity for Licensees

Attendees can register now for up to 60 CE hours that are accredited by COPE.
This event will be available to watch LIVE online on: February 25 & 26, 2023 or April 29 & 30, 2023 or June 3 & 4, 2023 or September 9 & 10, 2023
The event is also available ON DEMAND at your own pace and on your own schedule through December 1, 2023.

They apparently also allow "Synchronous which Cewire is!! https://mn.gov/boards/assets/Backup...able 2023-2022 for Web_tcm21-553443.pdf#False
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I just want to say thank you for another EXCELLENT series of presentations today. A big thanks to Dr. Farkas, Dr. Farkas, Dr. Silberberg and to all the presenters. I get so much more out of these lectures than I did with traditional CE!
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Thank you. That is our goal. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy
The April event was amazing. The technology worked seamlessly and the courses got rave reviews!
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Are they any CEWire 2023 courses that would satisfy a "law and ethics" credit? Thanks. -Charlie
Perhaps this one


Richard Hom, OD, PhD, FAAO

Live Dates: February 26, April 30, June 4, September 10, 2023
Time: 5:35pm ET
Location: Virtual Room 2

Credit Hours: 1
Interactive/Synchronous COPE ID: 82994-PM

This course will prepare audience participants the value of medical necessity in charting and submitting claims for reimbursement. Both beginning to advanced users will gain insight on supporting initial medical visits and follow-up care. Lastly participants will distinguish between the best approach of supporting medical and routine vision clinical encounters. Case examples will support what is of medical value an what is not supportable. This is not a course on coding.
Ah, Oregon has an approved list on their website. -c
My Assessing medical decison capacity has been categorized by COPE as "jurisdprudence" Maybe Adam might want to do a off-cycle CE course. I'm game.
How many hours for COPE credit?
Steve, what are the different colors surrounding various lectures, ie. red, green and blue? How can I tell if a course will satisfy a TMOD credit? Thank you, -Charlie
Steve, I passed five or six tests last night but I did fast forward a bit through the lectures. Did my fast forwarding prevent the credits from coming through? Thank you, -Charlie
Steve, I passed five or six tests last night but I did fast forward a bit through the lectures. Did my fast forwarding prevent the credits from coming through? Thank you, -Charlie
From what Adam has told me you have to watch the majority of the lecture in order for credit to be given. WE have to comply with ARBO rules. In fact I am the official whistle-blower. I take all are competition CE some on demand and do exactly like you did. In fact, I don't listen to a second and am still bright enough to pass their tests. WE report this to ARBO letting them know about noncompliance. I had like 275 CE credits last Biennial LOL
If you go to the link on the top of this page Cewire2023. Then click on the tab "Certificates" Than click on CEwire2023 for this years. Previous years are there also for your benefit. Yyou'll find your transcript in detail Here is what mine looks like as an example:
View attachment 37778

Steve, where does is show whether the course was synchronous (live) or not?
Steve, where does is show whether the course was synchronous (live) or not?
Mark - on the transcripts, you can see which courses are which kind of credit.

Visit the Transcript Center here:

That's the permanent home for your CEwire credits, it will always be there for you to look up. Pull up each credit individually, and you can get the gory details of each class, and export each certificate as a PDF.

(For states that use the OE Tracker, most of these shenanigans aren't necessary, as we send the info over to ARBO automatically, and states query the ARBO database directly to look the credits up. The actual ARBO course ID tells them what they need to know about the type of course it is.)

-- adam
I don’t know if it’s already been asked and answered, but are these hours submitted to CE Broker?
E can't. There is no system. Texas and others print out the certificates and send them in themselves. They won't allow us to do it. WE do send to ARBO automatically however
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I don’t know if it’s already been asked and answered, but are these hours submitted to CE Broker?
Take a look at this thread which discusses the issue, and how to get your credits in:

The implementation of this extraneous system has created headaches for licensees and CE providers alike.

What's sad is that optometry already has a system that works well in place (the OE Tracker), there was no real need for this.
Take a look at this thread which discusses the issue, and how to get your credits in:

The implementation of this extraneous system has created headaches for licensees and CE providers alike.

What's sad is that optometry already has a system that works well in place (the OE Tracker), there was no real need for this.
Someone got a kickback. There's no other explanation for it. Not only is it annoying to have a separate system, it's not at all user friendly and is (I believe) just a portal for people to sell CE hours.
Hey Matt, TN State Board of Opt contracts w/ ARBO for CE audits, so if ARBO doesn't call it live then it's not live, just like you said. They are currently going through the process of amending the TN Board of Opt rules to align with the new ARBO classifications. The expectation is that there will be more virtual hours allowed in the new rules. However it may take 12 month or more for these rule changes to go into effect. (I think the number of virtual hours allowed is going up to like 25 out of 40, maybe more, but don't quote me on that number). Thanks for asking these questions about CE Wire. That's why I'm here too.
Hey Garrett. somehow I missed this post but appreciate you posting this. Have you heard anything else re them getting this finalized.

I actually enjoy at-home CE but am not for 100% of CE being virtual. In-person brings a different atmosphere level of connection that is missing when basically watching a video. To me a 50/50 split virtual/in-person or maybe even 75/25 would be a nice