1 in 3 children worldwide is now nearsighted, study shows -CNN

I suppose the burden of proof rest with those that disagree, but any chance you have proof of this? I don't believe it. -Charlie
Refractive exams have greatly increased everywhere, in the last 60 -70 years, especially in a place like China. Therefore, more detection of myopia in the modern decades.
Refractive exams have greatly increased everywhere, in the last 60 -70 years, especially in a place like China. Therefore, more detection of myopia in the modern decades.
That's a good point, but what about in the US in the past 50 years?
How do you draw that conclusion? It’s a percentage. There’s a numerator AND a demoninator.
Higher chance of poor data, limited pool of examinees. I trust what I see ; especially my family history. ; e.g family history is interesting: 1 parent very myopic, 1 sis -8, other -1. Bro -6 like me. My kids all matched 1 parent. from -1 to -3 to -6. No emmetropes or hyperopes. low WR cyls from .25 to 1.00. .No AR cyls.
So my family Hx proves myopia is genetic.
In the world, myopes have been breeding a lot more in the last several decades. No more "hunter- gatherers. ".
Myopia is the superior visual state for the modern tech world. Hyperopes are so 50s. Myopes, with excellent reading vision, are superior students as a rule. Hooray for myopia. Thank God I am myopic.
How do you draw that conclusion? It’s a percentage. There’s a numerator AND a demoninator.
Also interesting that 3/4 high myopes were/ are male in my family. and huge difference of 7 D between my 2 sisters. The great majority of myopes are NOT at risk for myopic disease. Hyperopes have more glaucoma, notably Closed angle.
Higher chance of poor data, limited pool of examinees. I trust what I see ; especially my family history. ; e.g family history is interesting: 1 parent very myopic, 1 sis -8, other -1. Bro -6 like me. My kids all matched 1 parent. from -1 to -3 to -6. No emmetropes or hyperopes. low WR cyls from .25 to 1.00. .No AR cyls.
So my family Hx proves myopia is genetic.
In the world, myopes have been breeding a lot more in the last several decades. No more "hunter- gatherers. ".
Myopia is the superior visual state for the modern tech world. Hyperopes are so 50s. Myopes, with excellent reading vision, are superior students as a rule. Hooray for myopia. Thank God I am myopic.
I agree it's a higher chance of poor data. It doesn't mean you can assume more myopes were missed especially with anecdotal data. I agree looking at the male / female data from later on would help draw a conclusion. Haven't looked at it.
"So my family Hx proves myopia is genetic."

Just wow. -c
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Neither of my parents are myopic. My sister and I are.

Charlie, proof myopia is not genetic. :p

My sister and I got screwed.
Neither of my parents are myopic. My sister and I are.

Charlie, proof myopia is not genetic. :p

My sister and I got screwed.
Screwed?! Myopia is the superior status you lucky dogs!
Neither of my parents are myopic. My sister and I are.

Charlie, proof myopia is not genetic. :p

My sister and I got screwed.
No, you are very fortunate . Probably in the family tree; g parents and /or uncles and aunts. There is a lot of variety in the expression of genetics. : 1 sis -1 , the other -8.
if our adult patient are known moderate to high myopes, we all expect the children to be myopes. There are rare exceptions. Let's celebrate myopia, not try to "fix" it. Including to monetize myopia suppression with powerful drugs.
Attention readers: Please post the refractive state of relatives, esp immediate family. This will be interesting to see.
3 juvenile siblings: ages changed a bit to mask. All monocular astigmatism, same eye.: 1. age 12. +3.00 -3.00,x H, 2. age 10 : +1.00 -2.00 x H , 3. 7: +.25-1.00 x H. All were plano with 20/20 in their other eye. Mom has no glasses. Can we blame the dad? Is this not genetic? Certainly. Another proof of the genetic cause of R.E.
Neither of my parents are myopic. My sister and I are.

Charlie, proof myopia is not genetic. :p

My sister and I got screwed.
You and your sis could have gone to a refractive surgeon and paid a healthy sum to have the doc make you a -2.00.

A perfect outcome for an office bound creature. i.e. the superior status. You emmetropes, there is hope for you...with hyperope LASIK, you too can be -2.00. And if you were born, and suffered with emmetropia your entire life, do not fret. Have your cataract surgeon get you mono focals with a -2.00 target OU. Even better, go for -3.00. The ultimate outcome.

Now...does this make sense? :p
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You and your sis could have gone to a refractive surgeon and paid a healthy sum to have the doc make you a -2.00.

A perfect outcome for an office bound creature. i.e. the superior status. You emmetropes, there is hope for you...with hyperope LASIK, you too can be -2.00. And if you were born, and suffered with emmetropia your entire life, do not fret. Have your cataract surgeon get you mono focals with a -2.00 target OU. Even better, go for -3.00. The ultimate outcome.

Now...does this make sense? :p
Brilliant analysis, Joe. Think of the increased income for refractive surgeons, as emmetropes and hyperopes clamor to be myopes, the superior visual state. And yes, for some, -3 is better than -2. Then more income for O.D.s. fitting contacts to enable driving, hunting and gathering activities.
Recent patient: 11 yr old , -14 -4 cyl. Lab cannot make his last eyeglasses. Not a desirable level of myopia. Family history unknown, but I bet there is at least one super myope somewhere.
Recent patient: 11 yr old , -14 -4 cyl. Lab cannot make his last eyeglasses. Not a desirable level of myopia. Family history unknown, but I bet there is at least one super myope somewhere.
Just reading this in a state CE meeting where one lecture topic is pediatric keratoconus, and wondering how his Ks and Topos look.
No, you are very fortunate . Probably in the family tree; g parents and /or uncles and aunts. There is a lot of variety in the expression of genetics. : 1 sis -1 , the other -8.
if our adult patient are known moderate to high myopes, we all expect the children to be myopes. There are rare exceptions. Let's celebrate myopia, not try to "fix" it. Including to monetize myopia suppression with powerful drugs.
Nope. Aunts, uncles, grandparents all pretty much hyperopes. Sorry it doesn’t fit your narrative. I believe there’s a genetic component and I’d be surprised if my offspring weren’t myopic but it doesn’t explain everything.

As an optometrist I’ll celebrate myopia. It puts food on the table. But I’m not going to ignore all the Lasik surgeons living in mansions and driving around in their Mercedes’.
Just reading this in a state CE meeting where one lecture topic is pediatric keratoconus, and wondering how his Ks and Topos look.
My Nidek stopped reading Ks, not known. The cyl is WR, not oblique and R = L so unlikely a Keratocone. Simply a rare high myope, high astig. I encouraged this patient and family that we can fit contacts when he is ready.
My Nidek stopped reading Ks, not known. The cyl is WR, not oblique and R = L so unlikely a Keratocone. Simply a rare high myope, high astig. I encouraged this patient and family that we can fit contacts when he is ready.
How many high refractive error 11 year olds are not ready for contact lenses?
I may just hold that youngster down and put the lens on.
Just kidding, kind of, I do want preteens self motivated, but this is on the edge of good vision with spectacle, heck the lab can't even mount the lens supposedly.
I have a saying in sailing that may apply here.

Skipper:"ready to come about?"
Crew:"NO" caps on purpose.
Skipper:"then get ready, helm's coming down"

Doctor:"ready to put a contact lens on?"
Doctor: "then get ready..."

I'm really not this forceful, but I want to help this patient "get ready".
Recent patient: 11 yr old , -14 -4 cyl. Lab cannot make his last eyeglasses. Not a desirable level of myopia. Family history unknown, but I bet there is at least one super myope somewhere.
Why can't lab make the glasses? Literally can't? Or can't manage to do a good enough job of it?
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His eyeglasses were from Pakistan, and a little low in power, although not too bad. There is no rush to start contacts, but obviously (to us( an excellent idea.
You can always make his glasses, about 3-4D under corrected. That would leave him as the perfect happy myope. Can't see the big E, but can see his EyePhone perfectly at 10 inches. Love love love. ;)
You can always make his glasses, about 3-4D under corrected. That would leave him as the perfect happy myope. Can't see the big E, but can see his EyePhone perfectly at 10 inches. Love love love. ;)
Well, then I think his school might catch the problem in a school vision screening, which are mandated here in CA.
As typical, the parents would bring him in 2 to 4 months slow , later.
In reality, I will fit him in contacts asap. BTW; full Rx less .50.
My life was revolutionized at 19 when I started contacts: remember PMMA torture lenses? Soon had a girlfriend, academics improved, and best of all I was happier and started to come out of my shell. I should have started CL by age 16.
It will be a special day when this kid can see without those true coke bottle -16 glasses. It' s the second hghest eyeglasses I have ever seen in 50 years. The highest was a young man walked in with -16 -2.00 glasses on. No contact history, incredibly.
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Well, then I think his school might catch the problem in a school vision screening, which are mandated here in CA.
As typical, the parents would bring him in 2 to 4 months slow , later.
In reality, I will fit him in contacts asap. BTW; full Rx less .50.
My life was revolutionized at 19 when I started contacts: remember PMMA torture lenses? Soon had a girlfriend, academics improved, and best of all I was happier and started to come out of my shell. I should have started CL by age 16.
It will be a special day when this kid can see without those true coke bottle -16 glasses. It' s the second hghest eyeglasses I have ever seen in 50 years. The highest was a young man walked in with -16 -2.00 glasses on. No contact history, incredibly.
Excellent. I had a young 6 y.o boy that was like -12.00 with 2 cyl. We fit him into RGPs at age 6. He blossomed after that. Who knows, maybe even got a girlfriend shortly thereafter? ;)
Excellent. I had a young 6 y.o boy that was like -12.00 with 2 cyl. We fit him into RGPs at age 6. He blossomed after that. Who knows, maybe even got a girlfriend shortly thereafter? ;)
Did his adaptation go well? Stayed with RGP, or morphed to SCL? I think the youngest patient I fit CL was 9. High myope, of course.
Did his adaptation go well? Stayed with RGP, or morphed to SCL? I think the youngest patient I fit CL was 9. High myope, of course.
He adapted very well. His mom was in charge for several months with careful oversight. He is still wearing RGPs as an adult. No reason to switch a happy RGP wearing to SCL. I have many happy RGP wearers.
He adapted very well. His mom was in charge for several months with careful oversight. He is still wearing RGPs as an adult. No reason to switch a happy RGP wearing to SCL. I have many happy RGP wearers.
In many cases, SCL allow patients to have plenty of spare lenses. How many years did a set last him?
In many cases, SCL allow patients to have plenty of spare lenses. How many years did a set last him?
I would say that 99% of my RGP wearers would NEVER want to switch. They love their lenses. I have many adults in their 50's & 60's that treat it like a religious experience. That is good for RGP fitters. Same for my RGP translating MF wearers. 1,000% in love with their lenses.
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Higher chance of poor data, limited pool of examinees. I trust what I see ; especially my family history. ; e.g family history is interesting: 1 parent very myopic, 1 sis -8, other -1. Bro -6 like me. My kids all matched 1 parent. from -1 to -3 to -6. No emmetropes or hyperopes. low WR cyls from .25 to 1.00. .No AR cyls.
So my family Hx proves myopia is genetic.
In the world, myopes have been breeding a lot more in the last several decades. No more "hunter- gatherers. ".
Myopia is the superior visual state for the modern tech world. Hyperopes are so 50s. Myopes, with excellent reading vision, are superior students as a rule. Hooray for myopia. Thank God I am myopic.

Father ..Hyperope

Mother Hyperope


Son Hyperope

Daughter Hyperope.

Son... intense A1 personaity....reads too much ..studies too long -4.00

My Family proves myopia is developmental and environmental...
Father ..Hyperope

Mother Hyperope


Son Hyperope

Daughter Hyperope.

Son... intense A1 personaity....reads too much ..studies too long -4.00

My Family proves myopia is developmental and environmental...
Michael says No… he’s got his family to prove otherwise. :cool:
Father ..Hyperope

Mother Hyperope


Son Hyperope

Daughter Hyperope.

Son... intense A1 personaity....reads too much ..studies too long -4.00

My Family proves myopia is developmental and environmental...
No, you may have g parents and even ancestor genes to muddy the waters. My son was on near point devices for 22 years and has the same high myopia as I. Proving genetics at work and dominant. Or he would be -10.
No, you may have g parents and even ancestor genes to muddy the waters. My son was on near point devices for 22 years and has the same high myopia as I. Proving genetics at work and dominant. Or he would be -10.
So if anyone in the family tree has myopia it's genetic?