Introduce your Pets

He's beautiful! He looks fairly big? And that coat is so shiney.

He is the tallest lab I have ever seen. He opens the 6' side gate door with his to front paws when standing on his hind feet. We must lock the door from outside the cedar fence.

A 72 yr old rancher gave him away to our daughter when he was 1yr old because he would lead the other hunting dogs away in a game of chase, then return hours later when they were through.

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Rosie Mae the parti Schnauzer

Sierra's True Grace.
We call her Gracie.
13 years of awesomeness.
We lift her a lot now.

This is our Christmas card this year so you get a sneak peak since I only ordered 25 tiny prints.


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For those who are considering a pet these photos and obvious love might be the convincer.

Our household hadf one golden retriever, one siamese cat, one mix beed cat and a carry living harmoniously except when the siamese would beat of the Golden or try to capture the canary. Moving into a Florida Condo with no pet rule and the kids leaving home changes all that. We had a vet who made house call so the nuisance of routine exam etc was eliminated.
That was 1992.

Now the question...

How much is the annual cost for keeping your pet including vet bill and feeding?

Never mind the furniture damage.
Now the question...

How much is the annual cost for keeping your pet including vet bill and feeding?

Wait. You probably don't believe in Mickey Mouse or Santa Clause. How much do men spend annually on golf, fishing trips or spectator sports? How much do women spend on purses, shoes and hair highlights? Dare anyone ask. The value--Priceless.

Never mind the furniture damage.

Wait, what is this furniture damage?
Wait. You probably don't believe in Mickey Mouse or Santa Clause. How much do men spend annually on golf, fishing trips or spectator sports? How much do women spend on purses, shoes and hair highlights? Dare anyone ask. The value--Priceless.

Wait, what is this furniture damage?

So far no responses. Most love pets so much that cost of housings not calculated. In another topic I commented that most pet end of life decisions are far more humane than for loved ones.

Furniture and drapery damage is a secret that cat lovers rarely discuss. Declawing is now considered inhume even it the cat never leaves the house.

Cats love to use furniture as scratching posts. The more expensive the furniture and drapery, the better.
Cats love to use furniture as scratching posts. The more expensive the furniture and drapery, the better.

Next time get a pooch. Problem/Solution.

Our pooches are well dressed. Who am I to ask how much this stuff cost? A man must know his place.


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Cost doesn't seem much for small dogs as long as they don't get sick or hurt.

Lot's of dog parks have vets come and give vaccines for cheap prices on weekends. Be carefull with water bottles, dogs can eat the caps and get their digestive system blocked up. I'm in the habbit of just putting the cap in my pocket when I'm done with the bottle and letting the dog play with the empty bottle.

Chickens are kind of cool, they are real curious. We used to have some that would come peck at the screen door to try and get in and one would lay down next to the dog in the garage and sort of be companions.

We had a rat once that we'd let run loose sometimes and he was a real fun pet. Smarter than me in some ways and he had a personality. If I accidentally stepped on his tail he would chase me around trying to bite my foot.

Those ferrets rimind me of some sort of creature, maybe fishers?, that I saw while innertubing down a river this summer. They were black, about 2 feet tall, and stood tall on their back feet but could swim real good too. For some reason about 5 of them decided to swim after me while I was tubing.

They started getting close, swimming underwater and then lifting their heads out of the water looking at me. I started paddling faster since my butt was vulnerable in the middle of the inner tube and I didn't want one of those damn things suddenly biting a chunk out of it.

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My husband wants to refinish our hardwood floors. They are TRASHED. I tell him NOT WHILE WE STILL HAVE DOGS.
So will probably never get them done.

And furniture??? What's a little cat pee, scratches, dog fur, dog lick? What we save on furniture we can spend on the babies.
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Cost doesn't seem much for small dogs as long as they don't get sick or hurt.

Lot's of dog parks have vets come and give vaccines for cheap prices on weekends. Be carefull with water bottles, dogs can eat the caps and get their digestive system blocked up. I'm in the habbit of just putting the cap in my pocket when I'm done with the bottle and letting the dog play with the empty bottle.

Chickens are kind of cool, they are real curious. We used to have some that would come peck at the screen door to try and get in and one would lay down next to the dog in the garage and sort of be companions.

We had a rat once that we'd let run loose sometimes and he was a real fun pet. Smarter than me in some ways and he had a personality. If I accidentally stepped on his tail he would chase me around trying to bite my foot.

Those ferrets rimind me of some sort of creature, maybe fishers?, that I saw while innertubing down a river this summer. They were black, about 2 feet tall, and stood tall on their back feet but could swim real good too. For some reason about 5 of them decided to swim after me while I was tubing.

They started getting close, swimming underwater and then lifting their heads out of the water looking at me. I started paddling faster since my butt was vulnerable in the middle of the inner tube and I didn't want one of those damn things suddenly biting a chunk out of it.

river otters.
I'd estimate my cost for 6 small dogs is $50 a month plus about $5000 in vet bills over a 20 year time span ($4000 for rattlesnake bites). On the other hand I've saved a whole lot of money having fun with my pets rather than some other entertainment that costs a lot of money. I'm mostly retired and one of the funnest things I do is camping out in a tent with my dogs. I wouldn't even enjoy camping without the dogs. Maybe I'd do it once a year. With dogs it's like Christmas morning excitement to them just knowing they are going. I even have an old beat up "dog" car that I take camping. The car stays permanently dirty and I don't even take my camping stuff in and out of the car. We camp out around 50-70 nights a year, hike probably 200 times a year, it's too much work to try and keep a car clean. We've had a lot of adventures; mountain lions, bears, pot growers, hiking without a GPS and then fog rolls in, and just ordinary stuff, seeing what is around the bend or over the hill. Even though I do this dog camping I have to say dogs probably have just as much fun going for a walk around the block, playing fetch in the yard or just play fighting with each other in their home. Heck one of my dogs likes hiking but doesn't like camping out. Once he (I think) deliberately peed in the tent just to let me know how he feels about camping out.

I know it sounds dumb but I have always been reluctant to have pets; due to their short life spans. Somehow we got this guy, a shiba Inu, and he was absolutely the best thing that ever happened to me (next to my wife of course).
He died a few months ago and it was very difficult for the both of us, but I am so glad to have had him in our lives for the last dozen years. I look forward to having another shiba inu one day down the road.

Blues Baby (yellow) has severe allergies and costs about $200 a month in meds, not to mention the special food and occasional emergency courses of prednisone. Blythe (black) had a severe case of heartworm requiring intensive and dangerous treatment which fortunately was successful (we adopted her knowing what would be involved).
Hi, my name is Izzie. Don't ya love my little freckle and crooked tooth?
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My humans bribe me with cookies to pose like this. In this case it was okay because I needed a breather from swimming.
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I'm happiest in the mountains, just like my mama.
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Speaking of my mama, she gave me a swanky corner office in her optometry practice. My title is CPO, Chief Pooping Officer. I am very, shall we say, prolific in my work.
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I am very athletic and motivated to get my ball whether we are on surf or turf. It takes more than an hour of non-stop Chuck-It to slow me down, even at high altitudes.
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I'm always on the lookout to protect us from vicious duckies when we go rafting on the American River. (Shhhh...don't tell anyone that I'm actually afraid of the duckies. Houseflies too.)
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I get excited when we see squirrels while doing walkies in our neighborhood. Yep, scared of them too.
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My humans take me on some pretty cool adventures. This was a backpacking trip to Big Pine Basin in the Eastern Sierra. Five nights of seepies in the tent!
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I am a ferocious watchdog and make cute snoring noises while doing seepies. I do this stuff to melt my mama's heart and keep the cookies coming.
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I guess you could say I'm pretty happy pup. :)
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My dog Buddy after getting a yoga sock surgically removed from his small intestine... ($4000)

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My dog Buddy after getting a yoga sock surgically removed from his small intestine... ($4000)

Glad that Buddy and Duke are okay! One of my friends who is a veterinarian said that one of their most lucrative streams of revenue comes from doing these procedures but that the surgeries can be very risky.

Izzie has never ingested an object, but once we thought she licked a puddle of anti-freeze. Next thing you know, we have a $3,000 bill from UC Davis vet center for dialysis with EtOH. Initial toxicology reports indicated that she had gotten some in her system, so we decided to proceed with treatment. Too risky to wait because clinical signs often appear when kidney and neurological damage are irreversible. Ten days later, the final and more definitive report said she had none.

The attending overseeing her case is the person who is credited with adapting dialysis technique for companion animals, of course borrowing from the human world. The resident in charge of Izzie was fantastic, and we joked later that even though Izzie ultimately didn't need the treatment, she contributed to the education of the residents and students while getting her dialysis in the ICU.
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Glad that Buddy and Duke are okay! One of my friends who is a veterinarian said that one of their most lucrative streams of revenue comes from doing these procedures but that the surgeries can be very risky.

Izzie has never ingested an object, but once we thought she licked a puddle of anti-freeze. Next thing you know, we have a $3,000 bill from UC Davis vet center for dialysis with EtOH. Initial toxicology reports indicated that she had gotten some in her system, so we decided to proceed with treatment. Too risky to wait because clinical signs often appear when kidney and neurological damage are irreversible. Ten days later, the final and more definitive report said she had none.

The attending overseeing her case is the person who is credited with adapting dialysis technique for companion animals, of course borrowing from the human world. The resident in charge of Izzie was fantastic, and we joked later that even though Izzie ultimately didn't need the treatment, she contributed to the education of the residents and students while getting her dialysis in the ICU.
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I had to get surgery for a stray cat that I adopted when it swallowed some yarn.

My dog cost me 3K when he got parvo 3 days after I got him. Now he is 14 1/2 with type I diabetes from pancreatitis. The pancreatitis was also expensive.
I had to get surgery for a stray cat that I adopted when it swallowed some yarn.

My dog cost me 3K when he got parvo 3 days after I got him. Now he is 14 1/2 with type I diabetes from pancreatitis. The pancreatitis was also expensive.

That's rough, sorry. I've heard it's very difficult to survive a parvovirus infection, so you must have gotten quick intervention for him. Good thing they are cute, huh?
That's rough, sorry. I've heard it's very difficult to survive a parvovirus infection, so you must have gotten quick intervention for him. Good thing they are cute, huh?
I stayed up all night when he got sick feeding him pedialyte and pediasure from a doll bottle in between his vomiting. Then I took him into the vets the next morning for IVs. HE was the smallest dog that they ever had survive at 1 1/2 pounds. He was in doggie ICU for weeks. He even had blood transfusions.

I told him he had to live forever to pay me back.
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I stayed up all night when he got sick feeding him pedialyte and pediasure from a doll bottle in between his vomiting. Then I took him into the vets the next morning for IVs. HE was the smallest dog that they ever had survive at 1 1/2 pounds. He was in doggie ICU for weeks. He even had blood transfusions.

I told him he had to live forever to pay me back.

Nice job, Doc! At 14.5 yrs old, sounds like he is trying to be worthy of your efforts.
Nice job, Doc! At 14.5 yrs old, sounds like he is trying to be worthy of your efforts.
He is actually pretty young acting still. His insulin every 12 hours does tie me down. I am very punctual. I will miss meetings and everything if it means being late with his shot.

I hate thinking about the fact that our time together is drawing to an end.

He is definitely a fighter and wants to live. The vet was saying how hard of a fighter he was when he told me what type of expenses I was looking at. I told him I would pay as long as he was fighting.
A friend's new Golden Retriever puppy had vomiting and diarrhea, then suddenly got lethargic, disoriented, and started foaming at the mouth. Thanks to the quick thinking of her EMT owner who recognized the symptoms of a neurotoxin and rushed her to the emergency veterinary hospital, she survived, but it was a long scary night. Turned out she had eaten a mushroom in their yard!
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A friend's new Golden Retriever puppy had vomiting and diarrhea, then suddenly got lethargic, disoriented, and started foaming at the mouth. Thanks to the quick thinking of her EMT owner who recognized the symptoms of a neurotoxin and rushed her to the emergency veterinary hospital, she survived, but it was a long scary night. Turned out she had eaten a mushroom in their yard!
Good thing it did not kill her liver.
This is Daisy Mae. She's 3, a Goldendoodle. About 65 lbs.

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Daisy has a pet cat, Rosie. They are always together. Makes them easy to find. Call one, they both come running.

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Daisy got a major haircut and now requires some rest. Oh, wait. Here she is with her coat grown back, still requiring some rest.
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The video attached is of the two of them playing after treats. They do that all the time, treats not required, but a ball or a squishy toy is often involved, usually for about 5-10 minutes at a clip, until one of them gets bored and moves on.

daisy&rosie, relaxing on the floor.jpg


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Hey! Did anybody catch the video of me punching the kangaroo to rescue my dog?